Construction Management

Construction Management Services will be personalized for each individual assignment. In general, a Project Manager/Resident Engineer will be responsible for the Management and Control of the Construction Works in accordance with the construction contract and the delegated responsibilities agreed with the Client. The Construction/Project Manager will produce a Site Management Plan based on the Management System and would be tailored to include the specific requirements of the client.

The main responsibilities of the Construction Management Team would often include:

  • Confirming bonds and insurances in place and maintained by the Contractor;
  • Staffing and equipment levels are of satisfactory quality and quantity;
  • Monitoring and reporting progress within the previous month;
  • Monitoring and reporting overall progress of the works;
  • Forward planning and programming for the next month;
  • Overall forward planning and monitoring against contractual programme
  • Quality of materials and workmanship is satisfactorily undertaken;
  • Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) measures by contractor are acceptable, implemented and regularly monitored;
  • Undertaking the periodic measurement of the works and certification for payment of contractor invoices; and
  • Review and approval or rejection of variations to the works in accordance with the conditions of contract and preparation of instructions to the contractor as required and appropriate.

Construction Supervision

Construction Supervision Services will be tailored for each individual assignment depending on the complexity of the work, quality of Contractor and Client requirements.  A Senior Engineer or Resident Engineer will be responsible for the team in control of the works in accordance with the construction contract and delegated responsibilities. We will institute administrative systems to confirm cost effective supervision of the works in accordance with accepted local and international standards, but subject to the provisions of the Conditions of Contract. The Site Management Plan will set out a system of procedures for supervision, quality and materials testing regimes.

Along the work progresses, the plan will be further advanced and revised.  Characteristically, the Management Plan will include:

  • Project Document Data: a schedule indicating project title, project elements, code numbers, drawing pre-fixes, file references, lists of files, other data covering records of the project and their retention periods;
  • Scope of Work included in the contract and/or undertaken by others;
  • Project Schedule: activity timescale incorporating the Contractor’s implementation schedule and the maintenance period;
  • Project Organization: the organization for the project will be defined including activity assignments, responsibilities, levels of authority and lines of coordination and communication;
  • Client Information: the identity of key personnel and their involvement in the project, contact details and procedures for liaison and communication;
  • Contractor Information: the identity of key personnel and their roles, procedures for liaison and lines of communication;
  • Other Parties: data will be included on other stakeholders which could include other government agencies etc;
  • Procedures: core procedures will be established to cover each major element of the scope of work; eg. issuing of variation orders, approval of sub-contractors, award of extensions of time, all of which require prior Client approval; 
  • Measurement and Certification of the Works: maintenance inspections; ensuring ‘as-built’ drawings are prepared by the Contractor; liaison with the Client; public utilities, etc. FAEC will prepare standard forms and a reporting format to be used during construction supervision, all in accordance with the Management Plan;
  • Key Reference Documents: this will identify the conditions of contract, specification, drawings, codes of practice and standards which will apply to the services and any special authorizations/approvals required;
  • Review and verification: the technical reviews, verification and checks to be carried out including arrangements for consultation with the Client on progress and reviews;
  • Quality Audits: the frequency of audits of the quality procedures which are carried out to check compliance with the Management Plan;
  • Other Information: Management Plan contains details available at the start of the project which will be added to as further information becomes available (revisions to time schedules, project history, project notes, closure and archiving of files etc.);
  • Quality Audits Procedure and Non-conformity and Corrective Action Procedures will form an important part of the Management Plan;
  • Cost Control and Estimation and Cost Reporting Procedures will also form a key component of the Management Plan;
  • Health and safety regulations which must be complied with during the execution of the works;
  • Environmental compliance with Saudi Arabian and any other authority regulations and procedures.

The SSEC Supervision Team will manage the project on behalf of the Client and supervise the work of the Contractor, including overall responsibility for:

  • Ensuring the Contractor properly and efficiently manages the site facilities;
  • Checking quality control and adherence to drawings, standards and specifications;
  • Checking plant, equipment and materials;
  • Checking setting out;
  • Ensuring adherence to proper Health and Safety regulations;
  • Ensuring adherence to Environmental standards and regulations;
  • Monitoring progress and updating the Master Schedule programme;
  • Checking, processing and certifying payments to Contractors;
  • Undertaking overall measurement of the quantities in the works and preparing updated projected final cost estimates;
  • Issuing instructions and clarifications to the Contractor;
  • Preparing and checking Remedial Works lists for the Contractor to complete before issue of the Certificate of Substantial Completion or during the Maintenance Period as appropriate;
  • Checking and reviewing As-Built Drawings;
  • Checking and reviewing Operation and Maintenance Manuals;
  • Ensuring that all other completion documents, certificates and statutory authority inspections and approvals are obtained by the Contractor before hand over and the Final Completion Certificate is prepared.
  • Processing contractual issues.

Furthermore, SSEC will inspire the Contractor to improve his methods of working and to make the best use of the available materials and will also ensure as far as possible that the work is integrated within the overall needs of the local communities.