SSEC have immensely capable and committed professionals who are skilled and proficient in the preparation of conceptual, preliminary and detailed designs and construction documentation for each project as required.  Utilizing state of the art computational, graphical, simulation and 3D modelling software, the discipline engineering teams will offer efficient, highly accurate and innovative solutions to our client’s most complex problems. 

3D creates three-dimensional true to scale virtual models of the building architecture, structure, building services and site infrastructure for civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and telecommunications design disciplines.  These highly accurate 3D models ensure code compliance and no architecture/ structure/ building services/ utility clashes. In addition, our 3D models provide all parties with a far better understanding and visualization of the project and a common platform to resolve any issues prior to starting construction.

Structural Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Control & Instrumentation
